At Street Child, we are so proud of the Sierra Leone Marathon & Cycle Challenge. Check out some inspiring blogs, testimonials and photos from past participants to found out what all the hype is about!
Say Yes Club Founder, Esmée Gummer

"Coming out here has made a difference, we understand so much more what we've been raising money for."

Esmée Gummer and her group of 15 runners join this year's Sierra Leone Marathon! Read more about Esmée's incredible story and reflections from the marathon below.

Former England Rugby Player, Will Greenwood

Experience Sierra Leone like never before by taking on the Sierra Leone Cycle Challenge. This incredible 75km cycle will take you through the stunning scenery of Makeni as you and your fellow cyclists explore the beauty Sierra Leone has to offer. Find out more from former England rugby player Will Greenwood, who took part in the first Sierra Leone Cycle Challenge in 2023. 

World Record Holder, NICK BUTTER

"Running The Street Child Marathon is an absolute must! Everything from the organisation, the insights into Street Child's work, the community and of course the country all makes the time in Sierra Leone very special - The run is beautiful and feels like the cherry on top of an exceptional experience. One of my favourite events of all time. Thank you Street Child."

World record holder and the first man to run a marathon in every country in the world, Nick Butter, loved the marathon so much he came back twice!

Marathon Winner, OSMAN CHARLEY

Local runner and 2022 marathon winner, Osman Charley, told Street Child he was,

“Really proud that Street Child are doing this job to remove children from the street.'

With over 700 local runners taking part in all distances the Sierra Leone Marathon fosters a deep sense of community through one of the biggest events in the Makeni calendar!

First Time Runner, Georgia Shortman

"There is nothing to stop you doing this. Yes, you're running a marathon, but you're doing so much more than that - meeting new friends, seeing the depths of such a beautiful country, and you feel truly proud of yourself."  

Georgia took on The Sierra Leone Marathon in 2022. It was her first ever marathon and she left with much more than a medal, friends and memories of a lifetime.

Travel blogger, BEA MEITINER

“A genuinely life changing experience. The time I spent with Street Child has changed my entire outlook on what’s important in life.”

Travel blogger and all round adventurer, Bea Meitiner ran the Sierra Leone Marathon in 2022 and returned in 2023 to take on the pilot of the Sierra Leone Cycle Challenge.