Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka still bears the consequences of the decades-long conflict, uneven development and the 2004 Tsunami. The negative impacts add up: disrupted learning, dislocation of communities, unsafe environments, mass trauma, and a lack of government and civil society capacity to deal with many development issues. The development phase we are now in requires actors to build capacity of civil society and government, and not to withdraw. This is the gap that Street Child seeks to fill. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is aggravating an existing education crisis, which threatens to worsen post-conflict inequalities by depriving children of life opportunities. By partnering with grassroots organisations in Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka, Street Child is rapidly responding to the learning needs of the most marginalised students. These students’ opportunities for continued education have been severely affected by prolonged school closure and a lack of alternative methods for learning during the COVID-19 crisis.

YOUR IMPACT in sri lanka


Students supported with home-based learning opportunities throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Children reached with direct enrolment into school or school renovations.


Teachers trained to deliver interactive and inclusive learning in the classroom.

what we are doing

Since 2017, Street Child has worked to enhance the provision of quality education in five districts in the North and East of Sri Lanka. In these regions, children have historically failed to reach their full potential due to challenges of teaching quality and under-resourced schools. 


In the North and East of Sri Lanka children have historically failed to reach their full potential due to challenges of teaching quality and under-resourced schools. Our home-based English learning programme established with Organisation of People for Engagement and Enterprise (OPEnE) supported student’s learning throughout COVID-19 and continued school closures.


Child Protection is another of our priority areas. Many of the issues relating to the abuse or violence towards children are beneath the surface and require a considered and sensitive approach. We must also address issues at the family, societal, and institutional level in order to protect children from harm. Street Child seeks to provide support to local networks and coalitions to ensure the protection of children and ensure that these groups strengthen reporting mechanisms and interventions in prevention. 


choose an amount to donate


per month could support a child’s education for a whole year.


per month could help a child stay safe and return to learning during a crisis.


could support a rural teacher in West Africa.


Or enter your own amount. Please give generously!


could provide a learning kit, including basic stationary and textbooks, for a child living in the Boko Haram stronghold of North East Nigeria.


could provide sports kit, like footballs and nets, for 100 children fleeing conflict in Mozambique.


could buy warm clothing and basic supplies for a family in Ukraine who have fled the ongoing conflict.


Or enter your own amount. Please give generously!

Are you are a UK taxpayer? Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.

*I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.


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