
Somalia has faced decades of conflict, political instability, flooding, and recurring droughts, resulting in one of the most enduring and complicated humanitarian crises globally. The country is also severely affected by climate change.  UNICEF currently estimates that up to 4.9 million school-aged children in Somalia will not have access to formal education and nearly 2.4 million school-aged children will need humanitarian assistance to enable them to begin, return to, or remain in school. 


The education system in Somalia faces several challenges that limit both access to education and the quality of learning, including a shortage of qualified teachers, insufficient teaching materials, overcrowded classrooms, and inadequate funding. 

YOUR IMPACT in somalia


Children reached through direct enrolment or school access support.


Adults reached, including teachers supported into college to strengthen their qualifications.


Classrooms reached across 8 schools by renovation or construction.

what we are doing

The African Education Trust (AET), part of Street Child, started working in Somalia in 1996, at a time when many organisations were leaving the country. By partnering with local partners, organisations, and institutions, we have been able to continue operating throughout the country despite successive cycles of drought, famine, and conflict. 

We provide essential, quality education by rehabilitating schools, training teachers, and supporting parents to better meet the educational needs of their children. We also provide mental health support for children experiencing long-term insecurity, as well as hygiene facilities for children, especially girls and children with disabilities. 

In all our work, we focus on marginalised groups including pastoralists, people in remote and rural communities, families displaced by conflict or drought, ethnic minorities, people living with disabilities, and girls and women. 

Keeping Girls in School

The Zebra Trust is a local partner organisation dedicated to supporting and improving the lives of students who would otherwise be unable to afford secondary education, providing them with the opportunity to access learning. The African Education Trust (AET), part of Street Child, has an ongoing initiative which enables 350 girls in Mogadishu and Hargeisa to pursue secondary education by covering their school fees and providing in-school guidance and counselling to ensure that they remain in school. 

Teaching at the Right Level

The Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) programme was implemented in Somalia for the first time, targeting out-of-school children and youth who have been internally displaced.  The TaRL methodology is an inclusive form of teaching, which groups learners based on needs rather than by age or grade. It focuses on building foundational skills, compared to the traditional focus on covering curriculum. Students are assessed regularly and moved to appropriate groups as they progress. 

For this programme, we collaborated with the Ministry of Education, community education committees and key education stakeholders to enhance learning outcomes.  This is the first time TaRL has been implemented in Somalia, both in formal schools and in temporary schools for internally displaced children. The TaRL pilot in Somalia demonstrated significant success in improving foundational literacy and numeracy skills within seven months. 


choose an amount to donate


per month could support a child’s education for a whole year.


per month could help a child stay safe and return to learning during a crisis.


could support a rural teacher in West Africa.


Or enter your own amount. Please give generously!


could provide a learning kit, including basic stationary and textbooks, for a child living in the Boko Haram stronghold of North East Nigeria.


could provide sports kit, like footballs and nets, for 100 children fleeing conflict in Mozambique.


could buy warm clothing and basic supplies for a family in Ukraine who have fled the ongoing conflict.


Or enter your own amount. Please give generously!

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*I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.


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