Education is her right

Afghanistan is the only country currently banning education based on gender. Girls are no longer able to access secondary school or university. Street Child is doing everything it can to support local organisations and provide life-changing education to primary school girls. But we need your help.  

Help girls in Afghanistan access life-changing education 


As part of our “Education is Her Right” campaign, we have an appeal on BBC Radio 4. Presented by Christina Lamb, one of Britain’s leading foreign journalists, you can hear more about our work with local partners providing education to primary school girls in Afghanistan.

If you teach a girl to write, she'll become the author of her own story.

Supporting a girl with basic literacy and numeracy skills gives her the tools she needs to define her own future. In Afghanistan, those tools are needed more than ever as we continue to witness the narrowing of space in society for women and girls.  


The only formal education currently allowed for Afghan girls is primary school. Street Child is one of the largest education charities in Afghanistan, responsible for running 1 in 8 community schools and educating tens of thousands of girls. Together with our expert network of local partners, we work tirelessly to connect girls to the fundamental education they deserve, working against the odds in the most remote and marginalised Afghan communities.  


Your donation today can enable Street Child to continue breaking barriers, ensuring girls live safe, healthy and dignified lives.   



Mina* is seven and lives in rural Afghanistan. Street Child’s primary school classes gave her a safe space where she learnt to read and write. Her dream is to become a teacher so she can help other Afghan girls get an education. Read Mina's story in full by clicking the button below.


*names changed for safeguarding 

choose an amount to donate to

'Education is her right' appeal


could provide a set of textbooks to two female learners in Afghanistan to give them the tools they need to learn


could provide reading materials for one classroom in Afghanistan, ensuring primary school girls can gain valuable literacy skills


could send a girl in Afghanistan to school for a year


Or enter your own amount. Please give generously!


could send a girl to school for a year in Afghanistan


could provide training to a teacher in Afghanistan 


could provide reading materials for one classroom in Afghanistan, ensuring primary school girls can gain valuable literacy skills


Or enter your own amount. Please give generously!

Are you are a UK taxpayer? Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.

*I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.


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